Adding this document as a chapter will save it in the current document format.
This will modify the Style Sheets, Colors, H&Js, Lists, and Dashes & Stripes in chapters as necessary to match those in the master chapter.
Closing this book will close all chapters that you have open.
“^” is marked as a chapter from another Book. Adding it to this one may cause the page numbering to change.
OK to remove the chapters from the book?
OK to remove the chapter from the book?
Disk file for this picture could not be found and may cause low resolution path construction. (^)
This conversion will delete the box’s content. OK to continue?
Page contains EPS pictures which include Binary data. OK to continue?
Page could contain EPS pictures which include Binary data. OK to continue?
The file “^” already exists in the specified destination. OK to replace it?
DCS picture “^” contains spot color plate files; it will be separated in low resolution.
Couldn’t find the DCS plate “^” for “^”. OK to separate the DCS picture in low resolution?
1 instance changed.
^ instances changed.
Are you sure you want to begin using the backup hardware key?
Are you sure you want to remove these pages?
Are you sure you want to remove this page?
OK to completely replace “^” with “^”?
OK to delete “^” which is currently in use?
Height limit of the printer has been reached, clipping could occur.
OK to print?
Some pictures in this document are missing or have been modified. Do you want to update them?
The file “^” is incompatible with this version of QuarkXPress Passport and will not be used.
The file “^” could not be opened.
Box converted from the highlighted text won’t look exactly the same as the text. OK to continue?
All occurrences of the font “^” will be replaced by “^”. OK to Replace?
All occurrences of these fonts will be replaced by “^”. OK to Replace?
Additional missing pictures are located in this folder. OK to update these as well?
All occurrences of “^” will be updated.
OK to update “^”?
Page contains EPS pictures with level 2 implementation. OK to continue?
The XTension ^ has turned QuarkXPress Passport into a demo version. Saved documents cannot be opened with other versions.
An XTension has turned QuarkXPress Passport into a demo version. Saving documents will make them unreadable by other versions.
The appended Style Sheets, Lists, and Colors will include all embedded Style Sheets, H&Js, Colors, and Dashes & Stripes.
Some style sheets to be appended use colors and H&Js not defined in this document. OK to change these colors to Black and H&Js to Standard?
Some style sheets to be appended use colors not defined in this document. OK to change these colors to Black?
Some style sheets to be appended use H&Js not defined in this document. OK to change these H&Js to Standard?
This will delete linked text boxes whose links cannot be reestablished with Undo. OK to continue?
This will delete an item from a group and cannot be undone. OK to continue?
This will delete an item from the library and cannot be undone. OK to continue?
Revert to the last version saved?
• Kerning/tracking does not match.
• Hyphenation exceptions do not match.
• Frame data does not match.
OK to delete these ^1 and replace them with another ^2 wherever they are used?
There are active documents whose view scale is larger than the maximum allowed for the display dpi entered. Their view scale will be set to the maximum.
QuarkXPress Passport cannot find this font on your computer.
QuarkXPress Passport is unable to identify this font.
The hardware key is not responding. Please Shut Down your Macintosh, check that the correct hardware key is installed, and run QuarkXPress Passport again. #^
This picture has been pasted from the clipboard, no disk file exists.
This picture has been moved or the name has changed since it was imported.
The modification date of this picture has changed since it was imported.
This picture is in use by another application.
Unable to access this picture file
Too many files open, can’t open this picture file.
The picture type has changed since it was imported.
This picture is stored in the document.
The XTension that imported this picture is not available, a low resolution version of the picture will be printed.
No more information available.
This picture has been moved from where it was originally imported.
OK to delete ^, ^?
OK to delete the runaround for this picture?
Clicking Print or Save in the following dialog box will return you to the QuarkXPress Passport Print dialog box. From there you must click Print to save or print your file.
One or more of the colors you are deleting is a component of a Multi-Ink color. OK to remove these colors from the Multi-Ink colors?
Can't add any more segments.
The QuarkXTension for checking spelling is not present. Spelling will be checked using the dictionary for ^.
This will convert the active path to a hollow box with an extremely narrow content area. To convert the path to a solid box, press the Option key while you choose a Shape command.
You are deleting colors used by EPS picture files in the document. Doing so may cause these pictures to separate incorrectly. OK to proceed?
QuarkXPress cannot determine whether the colors you are deleting are used by EPS picture files in the document. Deleting necessary colors may cause these pictures to separate incorrectly. OK to proceed?
OK to delete the existing clipping for this picture?